Most people have no purpose in their life. They go through life just going through the motions day in and day out, going to a job they hate just to get by. The following quote pretty much sums it up.
“The circle of an empty day is brutal and at night it tightens around your neck like a noose.” – Elena Ferrante
Ouch! Most people live empty days and the sad thing is they don’t even realize it.
You can’t take Purpose 101 at school. They don’t teach it. Can you imagine how great it would be if they did? I would’ve signed up for that class twice.
Sometimes those who do have a purpose find out sooner or later that it’s a double-edged sword.
Take Michael Jordan, one of the greatest basketball players of all time. Listen to his Hall of Fame acceptance speech. It drips with pettiness and spite. His single-minded purpose to master his sport bred within him anger and contempt.
Then there is the 27 club. Have you ever heard of it? It refers to the number of musicians who died early tragic deaths. The list includes Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison, Kurt Cobain, Amy Winehouse… and others.
Each of them had purpose. So what happened?
The refinement most miss is putting the prosperity into your purpose. That doesn’t just mean money, as most people would think. It means peace, fulfillment, abundance, and more. It brings…
meaning and enrichment into who you are.
I'm so happy to be able to share this training from one of my mentors where you'll discover this kind of prosperous purpose when you watch the first session of The Prosperity Algorithm training here. This is a direct access with no email required.
If you feel that you don’t have a purpose at all… if you seem to be lost in a haze, one day the same as the next with no movement downwards or upwards…
Or, if you feel you once had purpose and became disconnected with it…
Or you do have a purpose, but it’s kind of fuzzy and you want to dial it in so it can uplift you…this is going to be for you.
Which one do you relate with? I'm totally relate to the last one. I was very fortunate to find my purpose and ready to focus more on it, grow into it, take it to the next level.
This was one of my favorite FREE trainings and for those of you who know me, I watch a lot of trainings as I'm always looking for new hacks. I know you will love it too. You will have an opportunity to dig even deeper into this, but there were so many gold nuggets just in the training alone that you can implement now.
Be prepared to take lots of notes. My friend Lisa was thanking me for sharing his links and when she wrote “he is so prolific”, I found it to be the perfect word to describe him and his teachings.
Let's grow together!!!